
Living at Hudson Park is infinitely better because of our committee groups which are staffed by volunteers. Some committees are on-going. Some are occasional endeavours which operate for the duration of a particular project, for example; accessibility. Our residents also hold a well-attended book club...


Events organized by this group of neighbours include summer BBQs, Holiday Parties, Cheese & Wine Gatherings and random events - as inspired. Mostly we take to the lounges or rooftops but occasionally we venture to a local pub or restaurant.


The newsletter - Hudson Park Bench - is a key product of the communications group. Also on-going is the compiling of tips and information for the unit maintenance that is the responsibility of each unit owner.


This past fall and spring, our volunteer gardeners added new plants to the beautiful entrance gardens between our two buildings. Each new season brings a fresh aspect for consideration so that our grounds are kept attractive and appreciated.

Book Club

Meet up with this vibrant group who share their love of books. All gatherings are from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and the location alternates between the two lounges.

  • Thursday, March 4, 2021 - The Bishop’s Man by Linden Macintyre - HP2