Dryer Vents

Regular maintenance

Our dryers have exhausts to the exterior of the building which are four-inch metal pipes.  Some units have a long distance between the dryer and the exterior wall and in this case, an electric booster-pump aids the efficiency.  

There are two filters that we need to clean regularly.  Firstly the obvious filter inside the dryer and secondly, the filter mounted on the wall / ceiling of the laundry closet (this second one was installed by the builder).

Try every three months to clean the second filter and see how that goes. See photos 1, 2 and 3 below.

Missing Dryer Vent Filter / repair

If you look into the vent - by detaching the square cover in the ceiling above your dryer - and notice that the filter is missing, you need to contact the original supplier and purchase a new one: Dilfo Mechnaical, 1481 Cyrville Rd, Gloucester, (613) 741-7731. See photos 4 and 5 below.

It is very important to clean both filters regularly to avoid the overheating of the dryer or lint lodging in the exhaust pipe (causing a fire hazard). 

1: The second dryer filter - in the ceiling or wall close to your dryer

1: The second dryer filter - in the ceiling or wall close to your dryer

2: Opening and clips - after the filter is removed for cleaning

2: Opening and clips - after the filter is removed for cleaning

3: Cleaned filter

3: Cleaned filter

4: A brand new dryer-vent filter

4: A brand new dryer-vent filter

5: The new filter diagonally in place - in the ceiling above the washer/dryer stack

5: The new filter diagonally in place - in the ceiling above the washer/dryer stack



Written by residents for residents

Jan Morgan