Water Leaks

*Emergency property mgr: 613.690.6007 *ONLY IN EMERGENCIES


Vigilance for slow water leaks saves heartache and huge costs: (in-unit repair costs and also the condo insurance deductible)

Be vigilant for

1.    An aging hot water tank
2.    A blocked HVAC (heat pump / air conditioning) unit (a plugged drain)
3.    kitchen tap
4.    kitchen drain
5.    bathroom taps
6.    bathroom drains
7.    toilet
8.    showers – in particular: any hand-held showers
9.    shower unit (silicone seals / grout integrity)

Un-observed and slow water leaks can cause insidious damage in our units, our neighbour’s unit or the building in general.


If a toilet has a slow water leak, it is possible to see the evidence in the change in the grouting around/close by the toilet base. In an unattended case, the baseboards may be absorbing water and that would be possible to see.

IN AN EMERGENCY: 613.690.6007

An example of the unit's water shut-off valve (there are other configurations) Usually located close to the ceiling and near your water heater.

An example of the unit's water shut-off valve (there are other configurations)
Usually located close to the ceiling and near your water heater.



Written by residents for residents

Jan Morgan